What’s a Puddle Creature?
Every little girl and every little boy
Isn’t just a new born bundle of joy
Coz every little boy and every little girl
Brings something special into the world
Not just their looks, or smiling face
And not just their cooing in your embrace
There’s a secret only some of us know
That for 9 months, as they began to grow
They weren’t alone in that time of nurture
Their hand was held by their puddle creature.
Now, they grow into this world
And day by day their lives unfurl
Some are quick, some are slower
Some are weak, some with power
But they all are born as two –
What do you mean by this – ‘As two?’
They weren’t alone, and some still see
The creature in birth with you – and me.
The good, the kind, the loving and giving
Can see their special friend still living
For, as they grow, they learn to see
And talk to their friend in nightly dreams
They travel in a night-time land
To friendly places, and shifting sands
Where fun, and laughs and happy scenes
Are brought to life from things unseen
By them sometimes, because the features
Created by their Puddle Creatures
Arise from the best of what’s been had
In times gone by of their mum and dad
And so, they see and hear great things
Great music and imaginings
Things from past and faraway
Lost within the DNA
From gran and grandad, handed down
And, within a dream, whirled around
Until a creature gives it light
And paints new pictures, in the night
For that is what your thoughts become
Transplanted from a dad and mum
Into the child and then like a teacher
Given life, in dreams by your Puddle Creature
So, where will you venture next?
To the land of your favourite text?
Toyland? Neverland? The stratosphere?
Check-out that raindrop; is your creature here?

There's a Puddle Creature born with every child, so, where's yours?
Once upon a time, as a baby, it held your hand as you were born.
It connected with you telepathically, swimming out with you as you emerged on Earth. It shared that link with you until you "tuned out."
You see, that's the problem; you human babies grow up!
You get distracted, learning to do too many human things like walking, talking, playing with others. Then, you forget about us Puddle Creatures.
We try to keep in touch, but most of you lose the link with us
- apart from some very special kids.
We take our name from the first word sound you make.
Me? I'm Onky. Pleased to meet you.
What? Not impressed with the name?
O.K. - I didn't choose it; it was the first word sound made by Christy.
Who's Christy? He's the boy I was born with.
We were linked telepathically until he started growing up.
We had loads of fun in Dreamtime, until he tuned out.
But, here's the thing - he's my "vivus", and I stayed around a while, hoping to reconnect. And so it was - one day, when he was having a hard time, he heard me again!
We reconnected.
I come from the fluid that bore Christy.
I share his DNA
I am the fun and laughter
Of every happy day
Enjoyed by his Mum and Dad
And every ancestor he had
I focus on their music and fun
Going back, since time had begun
I am the joy of being alive
And I make it all survive
For my vivus - Christy -in his dreams
I can take him anywhere
And anywhen, it seems
Who's your Puddle Creature? I know it's out there somewhere. Maybe in the wetlands of Aquis, where we aspire to go. Let me know it's name - I'll go looking for you. Maybe we can bring it back - and in your dreams see, hear and feel all the fun you and your kin used to have.
In the meantime, I'll tell you a little more about Christy and me, and post a few illustrations you might like. Feel free not just to follow me, but get in touch and I'll reply if I can - but, if I'm too busy, I may have to reply to you in your dreams :-)